Thursday, July 29, 2010

This morning the owners and 2 guys from Superb Pest Control showed up. I had asked that they show me their registration, and I got a photocopy of one of the guys, named Steve, but nothing on the paper about Superb Pest Control. They grabbed the paper out of my hand when I said something about handing it to my lawyer, and asked why there is no record of a number for them at 411 or on the internet, started shouting at me that I had to take everyting out of my room, and shoved a cell phone video camera in my face. I told them I had most places under control but did want them to spray two spots where I had removed stuff. They then told me no, and would not get out of the way for me to leave my room. It was very uncomfortable.
Finally the two guys left, and the female owner stayed to harrass me. I told her politely to leave, but she only got louder and suddenly stubbed her toe in the hall and claimed she would call the police and say I assaulted her. Not a scratch on her, I expect if she is foolish enough to call the police she will find out that it is a crime in this city to make false statements to the police and I have notified my lawyer about this. Of course, she could just be bluffing, so I'll see.
On a higher lever, the mayor appointed a bedbug czar yesterday, and I will find out who this person is and contact them as to why a building with so many bedbugs is allowed to operate and whether this Superb Pest Control is even registered. They may be, but they sure need to have a lesson in dealing with people. No one in their right mind would let these rude guys into their room! But if they are not, then that needs to be explored.
And as to the press, they are just ignoring the building with the bedbugs...Lindsay Lohan is more important, or just easier to report on as all they have to do is cut and past AP reports, whereas a story on the bugs here in NYC demands some real time and effort; and that is a rare commodity among so many churnalists.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like Superb Pest is a bunch of thugs, I've heard other people complaining about them as well. And the owners, they deserve to go to jail. But who knows, maybe they are part of some pest control company and they are purposely keeping the hotel full of bugs so the city can get infested and they can all make money.
    The only way to deal with it is to close this hotel. Let's hope the bedbug czar has the guts to act. It was not until friends of the mayor got bugs that he acted - so maybe this is just an appeasement and a way to give some tax money to yet another appointee. They'll spend plenty to rid the mayor's friends of bugs, but leave 10 million New Yorkers to suffer.
